Springvale Roofshield EPS

Springvale Roofshield expanded polystyrene (EPS) boards for use on limited access flat roofs with suitably designed timber, concrete and metal structural decks in conjunction with a suitable fully supported waterproofing system.

Roofshield has been providing efficient and cost-effective solutions for insulating a variety of flat roof constructions for decades, making substantial contributions to reducing COemissions and improved energy efficiency of buildings.

Springvale Roofshield is an expanded polystyrene rigid insulation board, available in a range of white EPS grades as flat or tapered boards, supplied pre-cut to the roof design layout to ensure efficient rainwater run-off.

Roofshield boards are supplied in a single layer to reduce installation time and can be used in a variety of domestic, commercial or industrial flat or tapered roof applications including concrete deck, metal deck or timber board substrates.

The products are supplied in 3 grades, EPS 100E, EPS 150E and EPS 200E to meet a range of compressive strength requirements and have a Reaction to Fire Classification of Class E.

Providing excellent thermal insulation properties, Roofshield manufactured in a range of EPS grades and thicknesses allow a suitable range of U-values to be achieved and can be used in conjunction with other Springvale’s product range to aid compliance with Approved Document Part L of the building regulations.

For technical data and further information, please refer to the datasheet accessible via the link above.

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